Pacman / Yaourt cheatsheet

When you forgot the basic

Pacman / Yaourt cheatsheet

Install Yaourt (from the repo)

#Add thoses lines at the end of /etc/pacman.conf

SigLevel = Never
Server =$arch

#And install Yaourt
pacman -Syu yaourt

When you have yaourt installed, all pacman command will work with yaourt.

Install a package

pacman -S <package>

Remove a package

pacman -R <package>

Update repo cache

pacman -Sy

Update all packages

pacman -Syu

List all unused dependencies

pacman -Qtdq

Remove all unused dependencies

pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)

Search a package in repo & aur

yaourt <query>

#Exemple, you search kodi  
yaourt kodi

#You can use multiple name for fine search  
yaourt kodi pvr

Update all package + AUR packages

yaourt -Syu --aur

List all installed packages

pacman -Q

List all files from a package

pacman -Ql <package>